Support: Our instructors' support one to one over WhatsApp and the website.
Who should join: The course is prepared by considering beginners. So we explain concepts and background details from a very basic level.
Course Level: Beginner to intermediate level.
Exams: The course is not designed for any exams but we made videos to cover all related topics possible under this session and common exams.
Course Validity: The course is valid for 1 year (365 days). We update the course with new topics and support all students one to one to address their doubts and concerns.
Instructor Support: Our instructors are industry experienced hence you can ask any questions related to topics. We have a dedicated WhatsApp number for our students to reach instructors.
Instruction Language: Malayalam.
What you will learn?
Learn about AWS as a Cloud Platform.
Learn how to launch AWS services and how to build a solution with the AWS platform.
Understand and learn to deploy AWS Services including Compute, storage, network, database and application hosting.
Learn about different application hosting options available in AWS like server-based, container-based and serverless.
AWS security features including data protection, user access permissions and security audit.
Learn how to monitor AWS usage, alerts, logs, billing etc.